Monday, November 25, 2019

International Coastal Clean-up Reaction Paper Essays

International Coastal Clean-up Reaction Paper Essays International Coastal Clean-up Reaction Paper Essay International Coastal Clean-up Reaction Paper Essay International Coastal Clean-up Reaction Paper Ocean Conservancy’s International Coastal Cleanup is the world’s largest voluntary attempt for ocean’s wellness. Each twelvemonth. 1000s of voluntaries from around the Earth participate. uncluttering dozenss of rubbish from coastlines. rivers and lakes and entering every piece of rubbish collected. On a beautiful. hot. sunny and a small spot showery Saturday. we participated in the Annual International Coastal Cleanup at Freedom Island near the Manila-Cavite Expressway. It started at 8:00 am and was good organised. We brought our ain bags. baseball mitts and even sticks to catch the trash with. We patrolled the beach looking for litter and found chiefly little pieces like bottle tops. coffin nail butts. places. slippers. plastics and froths. It was saddening to see how much plastic you really find on a comparatively clean beach. I can non believe of a better topographic point to be than on the beach and took the autonomy of taking dips in the sea to chill off every now and so so it barely felt similar work at all and most of all. it felt good to be assisting out. We cleaned for a good two hours and at midday. we were offered drinks and participated in a group exposure for recollection and certification intents. We are all connected to the ocean. And we’re all responsible for the rubbish we leave behind. whether we mean to or non. We joined this planetary motion that is giving back to the ocean. spent merely one twenty-four hours of taking rubbish from our beaches and waterways. I can non believe of a better topographic point to be than on the beach and took the autonomy of taking dips in the sea to chill off every now and so so it barely felt similar work at all and most of all. it felt good to be assisting out. We cleaned for a good two hours and at midday. we were offered drinks and participated in a group exposure for recollection and certification intents. We are all connected to the ocean. And we’re all responsible for the rubbish we leave behind. whether we mean to or non. We joined this planetary motion that is giving back to the ocean. spent merely one twenty-four hours of taking rubbish from our beaches and waterways. I can non believe of a better topographic point to be than on the beach and took the autonomy of taking dips in the sea to chill off every now and so so it barely felt similar work at all and most of all. it felt good to be assisting out. We cleaned for a good two hours and at midday. we were offered drinks and participated in a group exposure for recollection and certification intents. We are all connected to the ocean. And we’re all responsible for the rubbish we leave behind. whether we mean to or non. We joined this planetary motion that is giving back to the ocean. spent merely one twenty-four hours of taking rubbish from our beaches and waterways. I can non believe of a better topographic point to be than on the beach and took the autonomy of taking dips in the sea to chill off every now and so so it barely felt similar work at all and most of all. it felt good to be assisting out. We cleaned for a good two hours and at midday. we were offered drinks and participated in a group exposure for recollection and certification intents. We are all connected to the ocean. And we’re all responsible for the rubbish we leave behind. whether we mean to or non. We joined this planetary motion that is giving back to the ocean. spent merely one twenty-four hours of taking rubbish from our beaches and waterways.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Female Charcters in Fairy Tales Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Female Charcters in Fairy Tales - Essay Example Not all agree with the claim that traditional fairy tales such as â€Å"Cinderella† positively portray females. Pollitt maintains that it is virtually impossible to come across a fairytale in which women are portrayed as â€Å"active, brave and determined.† Instead, in the world of fairytales, Pollitt (1995, p. 479) maintains that females â€Å"blend seamlessly into the animated cereal commercials.† Indeed, these remarks are perfectly applicable to the Disney film versions of â€Å"Cinderella,† â€Å"Snow White,† and â€Å"Sleeping Beauty,† among others. In none of these movies do the female characters commit themselves to any action or even make an attempt at defending themselves. Cinderella’s single act of rebellion was to go to the ball without her stepmother’s knowledge but with her fairy godmother's permission and protection. This act is never repeated. In the shoe-fitting scene, she hangs back and does not come forward unt il she is pressed to by Palace officials. This is the ultimate in passivity since she knew that were she just to step forward, her entire life would change. She does not, however, and this in itself, evidences the fact that the course and direction of her life are shaped by others and not be herself. Consequently, within the context of Disney’s film versions of popular fairy tales as â€Å"Cinderella,† one can safely assert the prevalence of negative gender stereotypes. The negative gender stereotypes which audiences can detect in Disney’s â€Å"Cinderella† were not imposed upon the movie by the fairytale itself.... The negative gender stereotypes which audiences can detect in Disney's "Cinderella" were not imposed upon the movie by the fairytale itself, since, in none of its versions are females depicted in this weak, passive and inactive manner. In different versions of the "Cinderella" story, the male character does not make any impression at all, and is only reacts to the actions of the female characters. In the Grimm version, the action of the plot is shaped by the step sisters' determination that Cinderella does not go to the ball, and Cinderella's determination to go. She defies her stepsister when she does not perform the tasks they set for her but has the magic pigeons do it for her. Furthermore, all through this story, the events are shaped by Cinderella's dead mother's spirit. She is the one who sends her daughter the pigeons and gives her the chance to go to the ball. Actually, the prince does not choose Cinderella but both she and her dead mother choose him for her as the only one t hat is good enough for Cinderella. It is all like a magic matchmaking story where the prince walks into the marriage trap that was set out for him by the dead mother. The whole plot is a conflict between women and it is very easy to imagine the Prince's character replaced by another prize symbolizing the victory of the good over the evil, but it is not possible to imagine the story without Cinderella or the evil stepsisters. The Charles Perrault version of the "Cinderella" story confirms the view that men, not women, are very much on the borders of the story. The prince does not appear until halfway through and the first male character we see,

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Al-Nusrah Front Terrorist Group Profile Thesis Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

Al-Nusrah Front Terrorist Group Profile - Thesis Example The paper will also analyze the American policies on homeland security, and relate the aspects of the policies to the design and structure of the Al-Nusrah Front. Terrorism is a serious global issue that is attracting great financial, political, war, economic, religious and social strategies. Usually, the groups characterize with competent military structures and strategies that enable them to fight military of sovereign states. Currently, largest terrorist groups have concentrated within the Middle East and Arabic speaking countries. The nature and organization of the groups has led to labeling of some as Islamic-oriented. In fact, the greatest terrorist groups such as the Al-Qaeda, Al-Nusrah, ISIL and the Hamas have Islamism at the core of their ideologies. Most of the terrorist groups have been targeting Western countries, America in particular, and the allies. A case in point was the 9/11 event that made terror threat on Western countries a reality. It is for the escalation of terrorist activities targeted at America that the US government strengthened policies on Homeland security. The Al-Nusrah Front otherwise called Jabhat al-Nusra is among the renowned global terrorist groups after enlistment by Australia, United States, United Nations, Turkey, United Kingdom, and Russia. Analysis of the Al-Nusrah alongside US security policies is important in determining the efficiencies of the homeland security programs in tackling any threats from the group. The Al-Nusrah Front or Jabhat al-Nusra is a terrorist group based in Syria with extended operations to Lebanon. The group started forming late in 2011 and formalized its existence on January 23, 2012 through publication. The group pays allegiance to the Al-Qaeda of Iraq that saw its formation under the leadership of Abu M. al-Julani, who was an operative of Al-Qaeda in Iraq. The purpose for the creation of the group was to

Monday, November 18, 2019

Discuss how RAID can be implimented Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Discuss how RAID can be implimented - Essay Example back is its high cost due to use of a separate processor and software which gives the RAID system greater strength to handle recovery and disk rebuilding. Another approach to implementing hardware RAID is IOC. The advantage of controller-based RAID is that it is cheaper because it simply uses processors on the disk controllers. However, controller based RAID is restricted by the power of the processor and the memory bandwidth of the controller, which makes it slower than IOP RAID. On the other hand, software RAID can be implemented using a disk controller driver or an operating system. Software RAID is cheaper than hardware RAID but is not as reliable. Software RAID may be useful in small applications where quality performance is not really expected. It is used in the drivers of the hard disk controllers and is independent of the operating system. Operating System based RAID uses a RAID engine in the operating system. Both disk controller driver and operating system driver RAID are dependent on system processor which can be specifically used in low performance and lightly loaded

Saturday, November 16, 2019

International Trade Theories Absolute Comparative and Competitive Advantage

International Trade Theories Absolute Comparative and Competitive Advantage Absolute advantage theory was first presented by Adam Smith in his book The Wealth of Nations in 1776. Smith provided the first concept of a nations wealth. Adam Smith is a grandfather of economics because he introduced two important concepts that many of the new trade theories are based on these two main concepts, which are specialization and free exchange (Cho et al., 2000). However, many arguments were made and many economists thought there was a problem with the theory of absolute advantage after David Ricardo published the theory of comparative cost (aka comparative advantage) in the early 19th century (Curry, 2000). Even though Smith and his followers introduced many important points for the thoughts of economic, it is too complicated with this simple version of trade theory in todays global economy. In 1990, Michael Porter introduced the diamond model of new competitiveness theory (Cho et al., 2000). These three trade theories are important in order to make a country or busine ss successfully. Therefore, the importance of absolute advantage, comparative advantage, and competitive advantage will be discussed thoroughly. Absolute advantage is the ability to produce a good with fewer resources than other producers (Ayers et al., 2005). According to Joseph A. Schumpeter (1954, 374), seems to have believed that under free trade all goods would be produced where their absolute costs in terms of labor are lowest (Van Marrewijk, 2009). Smith suggests that a country should export those goods and services for which it is more productive than other countries are, and import those goods and services for which other countries have more productive than it is. For instance, assume there are only two countries in the world- France and Japan; there are only two goods Wine and Clock radios; and there is only one factor of production- Labor. In France, one hour of labor can produce either two bottles of wine or three clock radios. In Japan, one hour of labor can produce either one bottle of wine or five clock radios. Therefore, the absolute advantage to produce wine is France because one hour of labor produces two b ottles in France, but Japan only produces one. The absolute advantage to produce clock radios is Japan because one hour of labor produces five clock radios in Japan while France only produces three. France is more efficient in the production of wine and Japan is more efficient in the production of clock radios. If these two countries are able to trade with one another, they both will be better off (Griffin et al., 2010). Comparative Advantage The theory of absolute advantage makes sense intuitively. Unfortunately, the theory had a problem. What if one country had an absolute advantage in both products? David Ricardo solved this problem by introducing the theory of comparative advantage, which states that a country should specialize and export those goods and services for which it is relatively more productive than other countries are and import those goods and services for which other countries are relatively more productive than it is (Griffin et al., 2010). Therefore, according to this theory, a country must specialize in order to gain from trade. A country has a comparative advantage if it can produce a good at a lower opportunity cost than could other countries. For instance, Michael Jordan selected basketball as his career and economics as his major. He had to make a choice in order to excel at other majors or careers. He chose basketball where he could shine in with his area of relative strength. On the other hand, Doug might take longer to mow yards than other people would take. Even if he cannot do anything well, he can still do some things relatively better than other things. People would still hire him because he would charge them less than the opportunity cost of their own time. In this case, Michael Jordan might hire him because the opportunity cost of his time would be too high. It would be unrelated that whether Michael could do his own lawn faster (Ayers et al., 2005). Even though the comparative advantage is very useful for explaining the reasons of trade and the increases welfare of the trading partners by trade, this theory is still incomplete. There are two problems in this theory. First, the extreme degree of specialization can be predicted by this theory, but in some countries, they not only produce one good but many import-competing products. Second, the trade based on differences in country productivity levels between countries, but it did not explain the existence of these di fferences (Cho et al., 2000). Competitive Advantage The leading theorist of competitive advantage theory is Michael E. Porter. According to Porter, National prosperity is created, not inherited. It grows with natural endowments in a country, as well as its labor pool, its interest rates, or its currencys value. The competitive advantage of nations is the capacity of its industry to innovate and upgrade to form a nations competitiveness. Companies benefit from having home based suppliers aggressively, domestic rivals strongly, and demanding local customers. Geographic cluster or companies concentrations established competitive advantage in different parts of the same industry. According to Porter, nations are most likely to succeed in industries where the national diamond is the most favorable. He believes that success in international trade comes from the four interrelated components, which are factor conditions, demand conditions, related and supporting industries, and firm strategy structure, and rivalry. Porter also concluded that their home environment is the most forward-looking, challenging, and dynamic so that nations succeed in particular industries (Cho et al., 2000). Companies achieve competitive advantage from acts of innovation. They approach innovation in both new technologies and new ways of doing things. Innovation can be represented in a new product design, new production process, or a new marketing strategy. Perceiving an entirely new market opportunity can contribute to create competitive advantage from some innovations. Innovation yields competitive advantage when competitors are slow to respond. For instance, in autos and home electronics industries, Japanese companies focused on smaller and lower capacity models that foreign competitors despised as low profit, low importance, and low attraction (Cho et al., 2000). Conclusion The three traditional trade theories were discussed. They are all useful theories that remain in understanding many of industrial and trade policies nowadays. For example, when a country considers industrial and trade policies, the comparative advantage theory can be a basic guideline. Because todays world is much more complicated than before, those theories are not satisfactory in explaining the international trade in nowadays situation. The main goal of model building is understand the world easily by recognize the most important variable or variables (Cho et al., 2000).

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

The Theme of Colonialism in Shakespeares Tempest Essay -- colonizatio

The Tempest, by Shakespeare, offers the reader a variety of themes. The one theme that stands out the most is that of colonialism. During the time of Shakespeare, many European countries such as Spain, France, and England, were expanding their borders by taking over less developed countries, referred to as colonies. During this time of exploitation, there was skepticism concerning the possible success of the colonies. While some scholars believe that the play is about the Americas, I argue that the play reflects on colonialism in general and how it is destined for failure which is shown through the character’s relationships throughout the play. During the 1600’s the English decided to have people colonize in the Americas for the potential resources and wealth that they may find. During this time Spain, France, Portugal, and the Dutch have already began trade and exploration in Africa, Asia, and the Americas. England hearing of their riches, didn’t want to miss out of the opportunity. However, during these expeditions, there has been various news beforehand of the strong oceanic storms that would sometimes destroy ships or mislead them from their destinations Such news was not uncommon but due to the storms, many of the people knew the dangers of the journey and would often doubt the success of these explorations. For example, â€Å" In may 1609, nine ships carrying 500 colonists under Sir Thomas Gates and Sir George Summers had set sail to America to reinforce the colony at Jamestown. In an unusual storm, Gates and Summers were driven on the Bermudas, before managing to sail to the mainland† (Honan 371 ). News such as this was widespread throughout England and amongst these would be news of the encounters with natives. For example, â€Å"... ... such as slavery and exploitation of nature, and also gives us insight to the speculations that were common in the time of explorations and discovery. Works Cited Cesaire, Aime, Richard Miller and William Shakespeare. A Tempest: Based on Shakespeare‘s The Tempest, Adaptation for a Black Theatre. New York: TCG Translations, 2002. Print Shakespeare, William, Virginia Mason, Vaughan, and Alden T. Vaughan. The Tempest. Arden Shakespeare, 1997. Print. Third Series Smith, Hallet Darius. Twentieth Century Interpretations of The Tempest; A Collection of Critical Essays, Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice-Hall, 1969. Print. Honan, Park. Shakespeare: A Life. New York: Oxford University Press, 1998. Print. Marshall, Tristan. â€Å"The Tempest and the British Imperium in 1611.† The Historical Journal 41.2 (2003): 375-400. Print.

Monday, November 11, 2019

John Gokongwei †Cebu Pacific

John Gokongwei is the founder of Cebu Pacific, a Filipino airline company started in 2005. Cebu Pacific is one of the most recognised airline companies in the Philippines. John Gokongwei is a great rags to riches story of how he started entrepreneurship out of poverty. He also is a active philantrophist and donates millions to various charities around the Philippines. John L. Gokongwei Jr. Who is he? â€Å"Call it trite–but, believe me, success can be achieved, through hard work, frugality, integrity, responsiveness to change–and most of all, boldness to dream.These have never been just easy slogans for me. I have lived by them† Gokongwei Jr. , John L. , Commencement Address (AdMU), 27 March 2004. What made him a leader? The qualities that Gokongwei possesses made him a successful business tycoon. He is a type of person who is a risk-taker; he was never afraid to take the next steps for his empire to grow. He is an optimistic person, failures and mistakes were ne ver a barrier for him, he always try to have a healthy attitude towards failure, it’s a part of being an entrepreneur which is clearly stated in his quote: Achievements Mr. John L.  Gokongwei, Jr. , serves as President of JG Summit Capital Markets Corp.Mr. Gokongwei served as Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of JG Summit Holdings, Inc. from 1990 to 2001, which he founded. Mr. Gokongwei served as the Chairman of the Board and Chief Executive Officer at Oriental Petroleum And Minerals Corp. from 1994 to 2002. He founded Universal Robina Corp. in 1954. He served as Chief Executive Officer and President of Digital Telecommunications Phils Inc. for JG Summit Holdings Inc. He served as Chief Executive Officer of Universal Robina Corporation, Robinsons Land Corp., JG Summit since 2001. He was primarily responsible for the overall direction and development of JG Summit Group of Companies which he founded in the mid-fifties. He founded Robinsons Land Corp. in 1980 and has been i ts Chairman Emeritus since January 1, 2002. He has been Chairman Emeritus of Universal Robina Corporation since January 1, 2002. He has been Chairman Emeritus at JG Summit Holdings Inc. , since January 1, 2002. Mr. Gokongwei is the Founder of Universal Robina (Cayman), Ltd and has been its Chairman Emeritus since January 2002.He serves as the Chairman of Gokongwei Brothers Foundation, Inc. and Great Pacific Life Assurance Corporation. He served as Chairman of JG Summit and Universal Robina Corporation. He served as Chairman of the Board of Robinsons Land until December 31, 2001. He has been Deputy Chairman of United Industrial Corporation Limited since 1999 and Non-Executive Deputy Chairman of Singapore Land Ltd. since 1999. He has been a Director of Manila Midtown Hotels and Land Corporation since 1973, Gokongwei Brothers Foundation, Inc. , since 1992, Cebu Air, Inc., since December 1995, Litton Mills, Inc. , since 1978, Robinsons Land Corp. , since 1980, Southern Negros Developmen t Corporation since 1982, Universal Robina Sugar Milling Corporation since 1987, Robinsons Inc. , since 1987, United Industrial Corporation Limited since July 27, 1999 and Singapore Land Ltd. since 1999.Mr. Gokongwei has been a Director of A. Soriano Corp. since May 21, 1980 and JG Summit Petrochemical Corporation since 1994. He serves as a Director of Universal Robina Corp. , Universal Robina (Cayman), Ltd. , JG Summit Holdings Inc., JG Summit Capital Markets Corporation of JG Summit Holdings Inc. , PGPI, Oriental Petroleum and Minerals Corp. , First Private Power Corporation and Bauang Private Power Corporation. He served as a Director of Digital Telecommunications Phils Inc. , from May 1993 to October 26, 2011. He served as a Director of Philex Mining Corp. from 1993 to September 2008. Mr. Gokongwei received an Master's degree in Business Administration from the De La Salle University in the Philippines in 1977 and attended the Advanced Management Program at Harvard University, B oston, Massachusetts, USA from 1972 to 1973.

Friday, November 8, 2019

Fitz John Porter - Civil War - Major General

Fitz John Porter - Civil War - Major General   Fitz John Porter - Early Life Career: Born August 31, 1822 in Portsmouth, NH, Fitz John Porter came from a prominent naval family and was a cousin of Admiral David Dixon Porter.   Enduring a difficult childhood as his father, Captain John Porter, battled alcoholism, Porter elected not to go to sea and instead sought an appointment to West Point.   Gaining admission in 1841, he was a classmate of Edmund Kirby Smith.   Graduating four years later, Porter ranked eighth in a class of forty-one and received a commission as a second lieutenant in the 4nd US Artillery.   With the outbreak of the Mexican-American War the following year, he prepared for combat.            Ã‚   Assigned to Major General Winfield Scotts army, Porter landed in Mexico in the spring of 1847 and took part in the siege of Veracruz.   As the army pushed inland, he saw further action at Cerro Gordo on April 18 before receiving a promotion to first lieutenant in May.   In August, Porter fought at the Battle of Contreras before earning a brevet promotion for his performance at Molino del Rey on September 8.   Seeking to capture Mexico City, Scott attacked Chapultepec Castle later that month.   A resounding American victory that led to citys fall, the battle saw Porter wounded while fighting near the Belen Gate.   For his efforts, he was brevetted to major.    Fitz John Porter - Antebellum Years: Following the end of the war, Porter returned north for garrison duty at Fort Monroe, VA and Fort Pickens. FL.   Ordered to West Point in 1849, he began a four-year term as an instructor in artillery and cavalry.   Remaining at the academy, he also served as adjutant until 1855.   Sent to the frontier later that year, Porter became assistant adjutant general for the Department of the West.   In 1857, he moved west with Colonel Albert S. Johnstons expedition to quell issues with the Mormons during the Utah War.   Serving as the forces adjutant, Porter returned east in 1860.   First tasked with inspecting harbor fortifications along the East Coast, in February 1861 he was ordered to aid in evacuating Union personnel from Texas after it seceded.    Fitz John Porter - The Civil War Begins: Returning, Porter briefly served as chief of staff and assistant adjutant general for the Department of Pennsylvania before being promoted to colonel and given command of the 15th US Infantry on May 14.   As the Civil War had commenced a month earlier, he worked to prepare his regiment for battle.   During the summer of 1861, Porter acted as chief of staff first to Major General Robert Patterson and then Major General Nathaniel Banks.   On August 7, Porter received a promotion to brigadier general.   This was backdated to May 17 to give him sufficient seniority to command a division in Major General George B. McClellans newly-formed Army of the Potomac.   Befriending his superior, Porter began a relationship which would ultimately prove devastating for his career. Fitz John Porter - The Peninsula Seven Days: In the spring of 1862, Porter moved south to the Peninsula with his division.   Serving in Major General Samuel Heintzelmans III Corps, his men took part in the siege of Yorktown in April and early May.   On May 18, as the Army of the Potomac slowly pushed up the Peninsula, McClellan selected Porter to command the newly-formed V Corps.   At the end of the month, McClellans advance was halted at the Battle of Seven Pines and General Robert E. Lee assumed command of Confederate forces in the area.   Recognizing that his army could not win a protracted siege at Richmond, Lee began making plans to attack Union forces with the goal of driving them back from the city. Assessing McClellans position, he found that Porters corps was isolated north of the Chickahominy River near Mechanicsville. In this location, V Corps was tasked with protecting McClellans supply line, the Richmond and York River Railroad, which ran back to White House Landing on the Pamunkey River. Seeing an opportun ity, Lee intended to attack while the bulk of McClellans men were below the Chickahominy.    Moving against Porter on June 26, Lee assaulted the Union lines at the Battle of Beaver Dam Creek.   Though his men inflicted a bloody defeat on the Confederates, Porter received orders from a nervous McClellan to fall back to Gaines Mill.   Attacked the next day, V Corps mounted a stubborn defense until being overwhelmed in the Battle of Gaines Mill.   Crossing the Chickahominy, Porters corps joined the armys withdrawal back towards the York River.   During the retreat, Porter selected Malvern Hill, near the river, as site for the army to make a stand.   Exercising tactical control for an absent McClellan, Porter repelled numerous Confederate assaults at the Battle of Malvern Hill on July 1.   In recognition of his strong performance during the campaign, Porter was promoted to major general on July 4. Fitz John Porter - Second Manassas: Seeing that McClellan posed little threat, Lee began marching north to deal with Major General John Popes Army of Virginia.   Shortly thereafter, Porter received orders to bring his corps north to reinforce Popes command.   Disliking the arrogant Pope, he openly complained about this assignment and criticized his new superior.   On August 28, Union and Confederate troops met in the opening phases of the Second Battle of Manassas.   Early the next day, Pope ordered Porter to move west to attack Major General Thomas Stonewall Jacksons right flank.   Obeying, he halted when his men encountered Confederate cavalry along their line of march.   A further series of contradictory orders from Pope further muddled the situation.   Having received intelligence that Confederates led by Major General James Longstreet were on his front, Porter elected not to move forward with the planned attack.   Though alerted to Longstreets approach that night, Pope misinterpreted the meaning of his arrival and again ordered Porter to launch an assault against Jackson the next morning.   Reluctantly complying, V Corps moved forward around noon.   Though they broke through the Confederate lines, intense counterattacks forced them back.   As Porters assault was failing, Longstreet opened a massive attack against V Corps left flank.   Shattering Porters lines, the Confederate effort rolled up Popes army and drove it from the field.   In the wake of the defeat, Pope accused Porter of insubordination and relieved him of his command on September 5. Fitz John Porter - Court-Martial: Quickly restored to his post by McClellan who assumed overall command following Popes defeat, Porter led V Corps north as Union troops moved to block Lees invasion of Maryland.   Present at the Battle of Antietam on September 17, Porters corps remained in reserve as McClellan was concerned about Confederate reinforcements.   Though V Corps could have played a decisive role at key points in the battle, Porters admonition to the cautious McClellan of Remember, General, I command the last reserve of the last Army of the Republic ensured that it remained idle.   Following Lees retreat south, McClellan remained in place in Maryland to the irritation of President Abraham Lincoln.   During this time, Pope, who had been exiled to Minnesota, maintained an ongoing correspondence with his political allies in which he scapegoated Porter for the defeat at Second Manassas.   On November 5, Lincoln removed McClellan from command which resulted in a loss of political protection for Porter.   Stripped of this cover, he was arrested on November 25 and charge with disobeying a lawful order and misbehavior in front of the enemy.   In a politically-driven court-martial, Porters connections to the relieved McClellan were exploited and he was found guilty of both charges on January 10, 1863.   Dismissed from the Union Army eleven days later, Porter immediately commenced efforts to clear his name. Fitz John Porter - Later Life: Despite Porters work, his attempts to secure a new hearing were repeatedly blocked by Secretary of War Edwin Stanton and officers who spoke in his support were punished.   Following the war, Porter sought and received aid from both Lee and Longstreet as well as later garnered support from Ulysses S. Grant, William T. Sherman, and George H. Thomas.   Finally, in 1878, President Rutherford B. Hayes directed Major General John Schofield to form a board to reexamine the case.   After extensively investigating the case, Schofield recommended that Porters name be cleared and stated that his actions on August 29, 1862 helped to save the army from a more severe defeat.   The final report also presented a scathing image of Pope as well as placed a large amount of the blame for the defeat on III Corps commander Major General Irvin McDowell.        Ã‚   Political wrangling prevented Porter from immediately being reinstated.   This would not occur until August 5, 1886 when an act of Congress restored him to his prewar rank of colonel.   Vindicated, he retired from the US Army two days later.   In the years after the Civil War, Porter was involved in a number of business interests and later served in New York City government as commissioners of public works, fire, and police.   Dying on May 21, 1901, Porter was buried in Brooklyns Green-Wood Cemetery. Selected Sources: Civil War Trust: Major General Fitz John PorterNPS: Major General Fitz John PorterCivil War: Major General Fitz John Porter

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

Free Essays on Should Condoms Be Passed Out In School

Everyone agrees that we need to educate young people about how to avoid STDs and teenage pregnancy. But people disagree about who should do the teaching and what method to use. Some people believe it's the parents’ responsibility to talk to their kids about sex and its consequences. Others believe that schools and community groups have a role and a responsibility to educate young people about STDs and teenage pregnancy. A number of people think that the best way to deal with STDs is to encourage young people not to have sex until they are married or at least until they are adults. They argue that this is the best approach because; it’s the only 100% effective way to prevent the consequences of sex. â€Å" You don’t get pregnant if you don’t have sex†. Giving out condoms will only make it harder for young people, especially girls, to say "no" to sex. Some believe it puts an inordinate amount of pressure on young people to be sexually active. I feel that the best way to stop the spread of STDs is to encourage teens to use condoms if they are sexually active; some people also favor distributing condoms in schools and community centers. They argue that this is the best approach because condoms have been proven to greatly reduce the risk of HIV transmission and STDs. Some parents say, â€Å"Why not give them condoms, they will have sex whether we know or not so I rather have them protected.† Condoms should be given out in schools at the school nurse’s office. Whether adults like it or not, some teens do have sex without their parents knowing. If they don't have access to condoms or don't know the importance of using them they risk getting pregnant, HIV and other sexually transmitted diseases. Do not misunderstand me; I’m an advocate for abstinence for anyone adult or teen who is not married. This method works well in an ideal world but as you may see this is not an ideal world we live in. The kids now grow up faster ... Free Essays on Should Condoms Be Passed Out In School Free Essays on Should Condoms Be Passed Out In School Everyone agrees that we need to educate young people about how to avoid STDs and teenage pregnancy. But people disagree about who should do the teaching and what method to use. Some people believe it's the parents’ responsibility to talk to their kids about sex and its consequences. Others believe that schools and community groups have a role and a responsibility to educate young people about STDs and teenage pregnancy. A number of people think that the best way to deal with STDs is to encourage young people not to have sex until they are married or at least until they are adults. They argue that this is the best approach because; it’s the only 100% effective way to prevent the consequences of sex. â€Å" You don’t get pregnant if you don’t have sex†. Giving out condoms will only make it harder for young people, especially girls, to say "no" to sex. Some believe it puts an inordinate amount of pressure on young people to be sexually active. I feel that the best way to stop the spread of STDs is to encourage teens to use condoms if they are sexually active; some people also favor distributing condoms in schools and community centers. They argue that this is the best approach because condoms have been proven to greatly reduce the risk of HIV transmission and STDs. Some parents say, â€Å"Why not give them condoms, they will have sex whether we know or not so I rather have them protected.† Condoms should be given out in schools at the school nurse’s office. Whether adults like it or not, some teens do have sex without their parents knowing. If they don't have access to condoms or don't know the importance of using them they risk getting pregnant, HIV and other sexually transmitted diseases. Do not misunderstand me; I’m an advocate for abstinence for anyone adult or teen who is not married. This method works well in an ideal world but as you may see this is not an ideal world we live in. The kids now grow up faster ...

Monday, November 4, 2019

Business and Corporate Level Strategies for Honda Motors Company Assignment - 4

Business and Corporate Level Strategies for Honda Motors Company - Assignment Example This paper illustrates that Honda started looking for new markets outside of Japan only a few years after it was founded. The founder believed that the company should always maintain an international viewpoint, looking at the rest of the world as the potential market base and factory footprint. As such, Honda, unlike its competitors, looks to localize rather than globalizing. This means that it allows its subsidiaries all over the globe to function as autonomous companies that design and produce vehicles and motorcycles according to local conditions and consumer needs. Honda is not a top-down organization that is controlled by the headquarters. Honda combines engineering, design, and manufacturing in each large company in the countries with its subsidiaries whereas other companies tend to keep research and design close to home where they are managed by executives who do not understand local circumstances and preferences. Honda has embraced the idea of paradox as a means of promoting critical thinking and re-assessing common wisdom and to shape new responses to ingrained expectations. The company prides itself on a knowledge-rich organization and putting the demand on its workers at all levels to engage in strategic thinking which is crucial towards its success. Honda holds the daily meeting with the employees, Waigaya, as the meetings are referred as to where decisions either large or small are re-evaluated and re-assessed to find the best tactical solutions to challenges both present and imminent. Honda, unlike other companies, does not rely on using robots and alternative automation as a means of retaining productivity and minimizing costs. The company only engages robots in areas that are considered dangerous and unsafe for human beings. The presence of machines de-motivates the workers and therefore disengages their enthusiasm for the job. Innovation according to Honda also is reduced when robots and machines are engaged rather than human involvement. That level of technology is set to a limit that the machines can achieve as compared to human creativity that is not limited like that of the machines. This is a good enough reason to appreciate that the capability of the mind of humans supersedes that of the machines, especially in creativity and improvement.

Saturday, November 2, 2019

David Coles Interview with Dr. Franciszek Piper Essay

David Coles Interview with Dr. Franciszek Piper - Essay Example However, I feel that when you carry out research like how Cole did you need to be authentic yourself before other people can acknowledge the seriousness of your study. Cole had disguised himself as a Jew, even though he didn’t believe in the Jews. I understand why he did it. Instead he could have approached the research by identifying himself as someone who is truly interested in the holocaust history. He pretended to be a righteous Jew because he has assumed the official will not give accurate information. This they did anyways. Furthermore, his discovery of the gas chambers and their actual function as disinfestation chambers came about through detailed evaluation of the sites instead of from people he interviewed. There is no reason to disguise. As far as the evidence he got from his research that the gas chambers during the World War 2 had been actually disinfestation chambers. Cremation and gassing infrequency show that the myth of millions of Jews died during the War had been false. I agree that most of the evidence do not collaborate with the so called history presented by Jews to the world. Coles evidence indicates that there is a need to re-evaluate the holocaust